What is to do, avoiding arguments with landlord?





Long time nothing happens. Misundertandings accumulate. Exceeding a certain limit, a querel rises. Consequence is a damaged confidence and a good relationship between renter and landlord is not possible anymore.


Who is landlord?

Since we´re specialized in the Stuttgart area, we would like to describe the typical Swabian "house owner/landlord":

  • even having more than enough money, he/she will save it
  • doesn't brag about his wealth ("you don't talk about money")
  • does not show his wealth, he doesn’t use status symbols
  • continues to work hard even could retire to rest
  • security for savings and continuity is first priority
  • accordingly, a low return-rate is sufficient 
  • Swabian hates "gambling business", so you won't find them in a casino, he/she doesn't play on the stock market, etc.
  • to do something “good” (social) with the money is very important
  • landlord wants to have "no stress" with his investment. He/she definitely doesn't want to be worried or being under pressure by a dispute.

Which tenant is attractive?

First of all, we want to point out: in Germany discrimination is not allowed. There´s the “Gleichbehandlungsgesetz”. However, related to this matter the questions are:

  • how can a preference or discrimination in the selection of a candidate be proven?
  • how much energy is the plaintiff willing to put into a legal dispute?
  • how the relationship will be between the landlord and the tenant, if there is a negative history?

Based on the “picture of the Swabian landlord” described above, which of course is not complete, it could be understood, which tenant the owner wants. Besides this “basic-factors”, for this kind or landlord, it´s also very important to have a positive, friendly, and in the best case even a familiar relationship.

The strength of COS is, to build the bridge between tenant and landlord.
In a way that an extremely positive relationship is created between both parties and the landlord is convinced that the above-mentioned “basic factors” are not violated.

That is also the reason why many Swabian owners explicitly ask COS for possible tenants / candidates !

What is the big difference between COS and other "normal" real estate agents?

  • we build a relationship of trust between both parties from the first contact on
  • contracts are explained to tenants and landlords in detail, paragraph by paragraph, with examples and legal consequences
  • the same applies to the house rules, “Kehrwoche”, waste separation and other written or “unwritten rules”
  • all questions are answered, no matter of time
  • inspection with landlord and new tenant will be made for the handover, elaborate photo documentation will be created and the protocol will be signed by both parties
  • COS introduces the new tenants to the neighbourhood
  • take-over the keys will be done via a small ceremony, which underlines the responsibility for the new tenant, as well as the necessary distance through the trust of the landlord

 Schlüssel klein

What is the consequence?

There is clarity for both sides. Both understand what are the duties and rights and who is responsible for what.

Both sides understand what needs to be done and confirm: they will do their tasks and responsibilities. This creates the basis for a good cooperation.
If something is still unclear later, the relationship is so positive, that he/she asks for clarification.

If this process, which has to led by the real estate agent, does not take place, the following scenario could happen:

Tenant: “I am not sure how to do it. I just do it the way I think it's right. If it is wrong, the owner will contact me”.

Owner: “The tenant does things, that I don't agree with. But maybe he doesn't know it any better. However, I refrain of addressing that. I do not want to be pettifogging. I don't say anything, maybe he will understand by himself that he is not acting on my behalf”.

The whole conflict grows, and when a certain limit is exceeded, a big argument comes up. In most cases, trust is so damaged that a good relationship cannot longer exist.


Summary: how to avoid a dispute with the owner?

  • Transparency and clarity from the first contact on
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the owner
  • Positive, open-minded and respectful communication
  • Clarification of all ambiguity by asking questions
  • Ask the landlord: which behaviour does he like?
  • Build-up relationships, also with neighbours
  • Careful and respectful handling of the rental property
  • Honesty, transparency and short communication channels
  • Take-over responsibility
  • Keep the written or unwritten (!) rules


If you need support finding a suitable house or apartment in the greater Stuttgart area, or if you want to offer your property to an expat, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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